Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lunar Eclipse 2018: কোথায় প্রথম চন্দ্রগ্রহণ দেখা যাবে এবং কি পরিমাণ প্রভাবিত হবে ....

মাঘ পূর্ণিমা ২018 সালের জানুয়ারী  মাসে  প্রথম চন্দ্রগ্রহণ হবে, যা পৃথিবীর অনেক দেশ ছাড়াও ভারতেও দৃশ্যমান হবে। চাঁদ গ্রহনের সময় পৃথিবীর নিকটবর্তী হওয়য়ায়, তখন চাঁদকে একটি বড় আকারে দেখা যাবে যাকে বলা হয় সুপার মুন  জ্যোতিষীরা বলছেন যে কিছু সময় চাঁদকে লাল রঙের দেখা যাবে যেটি গ্রহীতা এবং কৃষকদের জন্য শুভ নয়।

গ্রহন শুরু হওয়ার সময় 5 -টা বেজে 18 মিনিট এবং 27 সেকেন্ড হয়। এই গ্রহন শুরু হবে ভারতের আসাম, অরুণাচল প্রদেশ, নাগাল্যান্ড, মিজোরাম, সিকিম, পশ্চিমবঙ্গে। অন্যান্য রাজ্যে চাঁদকে কেবল গ্রহনের সময় দেখা যাবে। 

কর্কট আক্রান্ত গ্রহনের কারণে পানি উপাদানটি কর্কট রাশিকে বেশিরভাগ  প্রভাবিত করবে। জল উপাদান পরিমাণে নিকাশী কারণে, অস্বাভাবিক বৃষ্টি, ঘূর্ণিঝড় বা বড় সমুদ্র তুষারপাত প্রত্যাশিত হয়।

চাঁদের পরিমাণের উপর প্রভাব দেখুন: -
মেষ: গ্রহন ফল আপনার জন্য শুভ হবে। আপনার কাজ সফল হবে। কর্মক্ষেত্রে অগ্রগতি হবে এবং সুবিধা পাওয়া যাবে।
টরাসঃ আপনার তৃতীয় ঘরে আপনার চাঁদ চন্দ্র গ্রহন আপনার ক্ষেত্রে অনেক ক্ষেত্রে আপনার জন্য উপযুক্ত হবে। টাকা কোথাও কোথাও পেতে পারেন।
মিথুন: আপনাকে ভ্রমণ করতে হতে পারে। আর্থিক বিষয়ে সচেতন থাকুন, এটি ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হতে পারে।
কর্কট: স্বাস্থ্যের উচ্ছ্বাস ও উপসর্গগুলি মোকাবেলা করা প্রয়োজন। আপনি দুর্ঘটনা সচেতন থাকতে হবে। 
সিংহ: অর্থের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে আপনার ক্ষতি হতে পারে। স্বাস্থ্য ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হবে। মানসিক উদ্বেগ দ্বারা বিরক্ত করা যেতে পারে।
কন্যা: এই চন্দ্রগ্রহণ আপনার পক্ষে অনুকূল হবে। সুবিধার উপায় বৃদ্ধি হবে। অর্থ উপকৃত হবে। সৌভাগ্য পরিবারের জীবনে থাকবে।

তুলা : স্বাস্থ্যের যত্ন নিন কাজ এবং জীবনের অন্যান্য ক্ষেত্রে ক্ষেত্রের মধ্যে দ্বন্দ্ব হতে পারে। কিছুই সম্পর্কে ভয় হবে।
বৃশ্চিক: অজ্ঞানে সেখানে কিছু বিষয়ে উদ্বিগ্নতা ও উদ্বেগ থাকবে। শিশুরা কষ্ট পেতে পারে খরচ বৃদ্ধি হবে।
ধনু সম্পদ: অর্থ পাওয়া যাবে কিন্তু খরচ কমে যাবে যা সঞ্চয় কমানো হবে। আপনি সতর্ক হতে হবে, বিরোধীদের সঙ্গে বিরোধীদের
মকর: পারিবারিক জীবনের ক্ষেত্রে, এই গ্রহন ভালো ফলাফল দেখাচ্ছে না। একটি বিবাহিত জীবন মধ্যে সমন্বয় অভাব হতে পারে। বিদেশী এবং অংশীদারিত্বের কাজগুলিতে সমস্যা হতে পারে।
কুম্ভরাশি: বিরোধীদের প্রভাব বৃদ্ধি পাবে। গোপনীয় উদ্বেগ এবং সমস্যা অবিরত করতে পারেন জীবনের বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে সাফল্যের জন্য সংগ্রাম হওয়া আবশ্যক।
মীন : শিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে সমস্যা হতে পারে। ছেলেদের দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকতে পারে খরচ বৃদ্ধি হবে। কর্ম সমাপ্ত করার মধ্যে একটি বিলম্ব হতে হবে।

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 receives another price cut: Should you still buy it or wait for Redmi Note 5?

If there's one smartphone that has catapulted Xiaomi into becoming India's biggest smartphone brand, then it has got to be the Redmi Note 4. The largest selling smartphone of 2017 has received what could probably be its last price cut before it bids goodbye, as Xiaomi has announced a Rs 1,000 price cut on the Redmi Note 4 64GB variant.
Redmi Note 4
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 on
The latest price cut comes as several reports suggest the Chinese company is prepping up to launch the successor to the Redmi Note 4 - Redmi Note 5 - in India anytime soon.

Following the price cut, the Redmi Note 4 will be available for Rs 10,999 down from its regular retail price of Rs 11,999. However, the new price is applicable only on the Redmi Note 4 variant with 64GB storage and 4GB of RAM and on phones purchased via the online channels.
The Redmi Note 4 is available with the new price on Mi.comAmazon India and Flipkart.
Meanwhile, this is the second price cut that the Redmi Note 4 has received in its life cycle. The smartphone had received its first price cut back in November 2017. However, this also looks like the phone's final price cut before the Redmi Note 5 comes to replace the ageing best seller.
To recall, Redmi Note 4 was launched in January last year, in three memory configurations: 2GB RAM + 16GB storage, 3GB RAM + 32GB storage and a 4GB + 64 GB storage variant. While the 16GB storage carried a price tag of Rs 9,999, the 32GB and 64GB variants were launched at Rs 10,999 and Rs 12,999 respectively. The 16GB variant was, however, discounted after the launch of the Redmi 4.
Last year, Xiaomi toppled Samsung to become the biggest smartphone brand in India, and the Redmi Note 4 played the biggest role. The Redmi Note 4 set new records and became the fastest selling smartphone in India having sold 1 million units in less than 45 days and 5 million units within a span of six months. Xiaomi reportedly sold 9.2 million units in Q3 of 2017 and most of them were Redmi Note 4 units. 
However, recent launches like the Honor 7X and more recently the Honor 9 Lite, are making the Redmi Note 4 look outdated with upgraded specs like dual camera setups, and 18:9 displays.
Moreover, Xiaomi is expected to launch the Redmi Note 5 (most likely the Redmi 5 Plus will be rebranded as the Redmi Note 5 and sold in India) with an updated design with a larger 6-inch 18:9 display in India as early as February.
But should you still consider the Redmi Note 4?
The Redmi Note 4 certainly isn't getting any younger, but having said that it is getting cheaper. It still packs decent specifications for a sub Rs 15,000 smartphone, but there are plenty of newer options out there, like the Honor 9 Lite, which comes at the same price of Rs 10,999 but offers a fresher design and the latest Android Oreo out-of-the-box. Then, there is the Redmi Note 5, which might be launched anytime soon. The phone looks modern with that 18:9 display, yet packs the same DNA (i.e. the Snapdragon 625 chipset).
However, it all boils down to a matter of personal choice - whether you want a seasoned, time-tested smartphone with slightly older hardware, or a fairly new smartphone that comes with better specs, or wait and hold that money for the Redmi Note 5. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Google’s new AI can recognise objects in images

A new service, called Cloud AutoML, uses several machine-learning tricks to automatically build and train a deep-learning algorithm that can recognise things in images.
The technology is limited for now, but it could be the start of something big. Building and optimising a deep neural network algorithm normally requires a detailed understanding of the underlying math and code, as well as extensive practice tweaking the parameters of algorithms to get things just right.
The difficulty of developing AI systems has created a race to recruit talent, and it means that only big companies with deep pockets can usually afford to build their own bespoke AI algorithms.
“We need to scale AI out to more people,” Fei-Fei Li, chief scientist at Google Cloud, said ahead of the launch today. Li estimates there are at most a few thousand people worldwide with the expertise needed to build the very best deep-learning models. “But there are an estimated 21 million developers worldwide today,” she says. “We want to reach out to them all, and make AI accessible to these developers.”
Cloud computing is one of the keys to making AI more accessible. Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and other companies are rushing to add machine-learning capabilities to their cloud platforms. Google Cloud already offers many such tools, but they use pre-trained models. That limits what they can do—for example, programmers will only be able to use the tools to recognize a limited range of objects or scenes that they have already been trained to recognize. A new generation of cloud-based machine-learning tools that can train themselves would make the technology far more versatile and easier to use, MIT Technology Review website reported.
Several companies have been testing Google Cloud AutoML for the past few months. Disney used the service to develop a way to search its merchandise for particular cartoon characters, even if those products are not tagged with that character’s name.
Joaquin Vanschoren, a professor at the Eindhoven Institute of Technology in the Netherlands who specializes in automated machine learning, says it’s still a relatively new research topic, though interest in the area has been heating up lately. “It is impressive that they can release this as a production service so quickly,” he says.
Vanschoren says automation can add a lot of computational costs, so Google must be throwing plenty of resources at the service. That’s only likely to get worse as programmers attempt to design AI systems that move beyond simple image classification and attempt to tackle ever broader tasks.
Google researchers have been testing the limits of automating AI for some time now. In 2016, one team showed that deep learning could itself be used to identify the best tweaks to a deep-learning system. Last year another group at the company used simulated natural selection to “evolve” an optimal network architecture. And more recently, two
Google scientists used reinforcement learning—a technique inspired by the way animals learn through positive feedback—to automatically improve a deep-learning system.
Efforts in this area might ultimately feed into the grand effort to build more general and adaptable forms of artificial intelligence. But before the machines take over completely, you can at least try your hand developing your very own AI.

Monday, January 15, 2018

SpaceX's new rocket Falcon Heavy will fly Tesla Roadster to Mars

Powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy

Powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy

SpaceX's new, powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy, is at its launch pad at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, awaiting an engine test-firing .The California-based company aims to launch the Heavy by month's end.

Rocket will carry a Tesla Roadster

Rocket will carry a Tesla Roadster

Elon Musk has announced that the first flight of his company's 'Falcon Heavy' rocket will carry a Tesla Roadster -- touted as the quickest car in the world with record-setting acceleration, range and performance -- into Martian orbit.

Musk's own personal property

Musk's own personal property

He has has repeatedly warned there's a good chance the new rocket could blow up, thus his own personal property will be aboard.
All-electric battery-powered, four-seater sports car

All-electric battery-powered, four-seater sports car

Tesla Roadster is an all-electric battery-powered, four-seater sports car prototype from Tesla.

The sports car with a removable glass roof is an updated version of Tesla’s first production vehicle. It can seat four and travel 620 miles (1,000 km) on a single charge.
Tesla Roadster into space

Tesla Roadster into space

The car, as it hurtles into space, will be playing a song by David Bowie on repeat.
One of the most powerful rocket

One of the most powerful rocket

At 2500 tons of thrust, equal to 18 Boeing 747 aircraft at full throttle, it will be one of the most powerful rocket in the world.The Falcon Heavy will have double the thrust of the next biggest rocket out there today, according to Musk. It is a more powerful rocket that SpaceX hopes to use for missions to the Moon and Mars.
Photo: elonmusk/Instagram

2018 Isuzu D-Max V-Cross With Updates has been Launched

Isuzu has launched a facelift for its D-Max V-Cross lifestyle pick-up truck at Rs 14.27 lakh, due to launch in 2018.
While retaining the same design language, the 2018 Isuzu D-Max V-Cross gets a host of exterior updates including LED DRLs instead of fog lamps, LED taillights and a redesigned tail-gate.
The higher-spec V-Cross High trim also gets chrome detailing on the rear bumper, LED daytime-running lights and LED tail-lamps.
On the inside, the standard D-Max V-Cross gets a new touchscreen audio system that doubles as the reversing camera.
Under the hood, the 2018 Isuzu D-Max V-Cross continues to get the 2.5-litre diesel engine that churns out  132 bhp of max power and 320 Nm of peak torque.

Lenovo Mirage Camera hands-on review

It’s never been easier to experience virtual reality, with the latest headsets not even forcing you to faff with your phone before diving into all manner of digital worlds.
So shouldn’t it be getting easier to create VR content, too? Google and Lenovo think so, and the Mirage Camera could be the piece of tech to do it.
The point-and-shoot camera made its debut at CES, and we made sure to try it out to see if we’ll soon be shooting our holiday snaps in a VR-friendly format.

First off, a disclaimer: this isn’t the kind of VR that completely envelops you in an experience. Instead of 360-degree clips and photos, the Mirage Camera captures a 180-degree, stereoscopic view of what’s in front of you - not behind.
Lenovo and Google say that’s because people tend to focus on what they can see, not what’s behind them. A 180-degree view lets you take in the whole scene, while cutting out the boring bits like the person behind the camera pressing the shutter button.
This also means the sensors aren’t working overtime to capture an entire scene, only a part of it. As a result, the Mirage captures and impressive amount of detail in each photo or clip. Certain scenes give a better impression of depth, but the demo clips we saw had excellent clarity.
Actually taking photos should be quick, with no video preview to render on the device itself. Just point, shoot and save.
The Mirage uses two 13MP sensors with 180-degree fisheye lenses, which are good for stereoscopic stills that give the impression of depth once you’ve pulled on a pair of VR goggles, or 4K video at 30fps.
Aside from the funky dual lenses, the camera looks deceptively simple, with no viewfinder and barely any buttons. You get a power button, shutter button, and a function key that flips between stills, video and live streaming to YouTube if you’re hooked in to a Wi-Fi network. Lenovo is working on a version with built-in 4G, too, for go-anywhere sharing.
There’s a 1/4in tripod thread at the bottom, so you can set it up and get in the shot yourself, with iOS and Android smart controls letting you shoot remotely. These apps also let you view back your footage on the small screen, before you pop on a VR headset.
You can save files locally on 16GB of on-board storage, or to a microSD card. USB-C charging is a welcome 2018 addition, and the battery should be good for two hours of shooting between top-ups.
Upload directly to Google Photos or YouTube, and it’ll automatically adjust the image if you’re viewing on a traditional screen, rather than in VR. Most video editing software should support Google’s VR180 file format if you upload to a PC, too, so you can get more creative with your clips.
Are you really missing out if your VR photos only capture half of your surroundings? Lenovo and Google say no, but the Mirage Camera will be the bit of kit to actually test the theory.
It seems simple enough to use, and image quality does seem to be very good, even at this early, non-final hardware stage. Lenovo hasn’t quite worked out a price yet, only saying it’ll set you back “less than US$300 (RM1200)” when it arrives in the summer, but you’ll also need to factor in the VR headset you’ll be watching your footage back on.
Considering you can already pick up plenty of full 360-degree cameras for a similar amount, whether the Mirage is a must-buy or not will depend on Google’s Daydream VR initiative ramping up to cover a lot more phones and devices.
We’ll know if it has done enough later in the year, when we give the Mirage Camera a full review.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Tripura Poll: Cast your Vote here

ISRO launches its 100th satellite, calls it new year gift to country

Setting a benchmark today, the ISRO launched its 100th satellite along-with 30 others in a single mission.
In a milestone event in the country's space history, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) today launched its 100th satellite along-with 30 others in a single mission.
All 31 satellites were launched from a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) off the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota, about 100 kms from Chennai.
Speaking after the success of the PSLV launch, AS Kiran, outgoing Chairman of ISRO said, "During the launch last year, we had problem. But this launch proves that all problems were addressed and rectified. Happy to give this new year gift to the country."
Out of the 31, three are Indian and 28 are from six countries: Canada, Finland, France, South Korea, UK and the US.
The first space mission in 2018 onboard the PSLV-C40 comes four months after a similar launch failed to deliver the country's eighth navigation satellite in the earth's lower orbit on August 31, 2017.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Lamborghini Urus SUV India Launch Live Updates: Images, Specifications, Features

The Lamborghini Urus is the fastest SUV in the world right now with a top speed of 305 kmph
Italian Supercar maker Lamborghini is all set to launch the much-awaited Urus SUV in India today. The new Lamborghini Urus is the first SUV to come out with the mark of the raging bull, which alone makes it quite a special launch. And we'll be bringing you all the live updates from the launch event here. The Urus is also one of few products that Lamborghini has launched in India within such a short period from its global debut, which happened a little over a month ago on December 4, 2017. And we were the first ones to tell you about it.
Unlike all the Lamborghinis we have seen so far, the Urus is a different breed altogether and distinguishes itself as a slightly practical car that is less demanding in its seating, can seat five and can be taken on broken tarmac as well without much thinking. But there's a lot more that's on offer when it comes to the Urus and we have already told you all there is to know about Lamborghini's SUV.

Friday, January 5, 2018

IPFT NC holds talks with PM over Tipraland Issues

Good News For all Tipraland supporters. A team of IPFT leaders  called on Hon’ble Prime Minister of India (Narendra Modi) and discuss about the burning issues of Tipraland, as decided in the meeting with home minister at 10am Friday it was agreed to constitute a modality committee which will be notified on 8 January. Prime Minister also endorsed the decision, PM further assured to assigned priorities on the issues of Tipraland. Dr Jitendra Singh, MOs to PM North East in charge also participated in the discussion.

How To Link Mobile Number (SIM) With Aadhaar Card From Home Via IVR System

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued directives for generating OTP either through the service provider's website or through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services to facilitate the Aadhaar linking with mobile number.

Have you linked your Aadhaar number with mobile SIM? Now, many telecom operators are offering a toll-free service - 14546 - for re-verification of your Aadhaar number on your mobile phone through an IVRS or Interactive Voice Response System. Mobile phone users can dial 14546 to link their Aadhaar number with the mobile number through IVRS-based OTP (One-Time PIN) verification. The UIDAI or Unique Identification Authority of India - the issuer of the 12-digit Aadhaar number - has issued directives for generating OTP either through the service provider's website or through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services to facilitate the Aadhaar linking with mobile phone number, the government has said on microblogging site Twitter.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) had in a communication dated November 30, 2017 directed access service providers to allocate short code 14546 for the IVRS-based OTP authentication process for Aadhaar re-verification of mobile subscribers. March 31, 2018 is the deadline set by the Supreme Court for linking of Aadhaar with the mobile phone number.

The IVRS method of linking Aadhaar card number with mobile SIM is among the three options announced by the government in October last year. The Department of Telecommunications had directed telecom operators to provide three ways to enable their customers to link their Aadhaar card with mobile SIMs. These were: OTP-based, mobile app-based and IVRS. "These new methods will help subscribers to get their mobile number linked to Aadhaar without visiting the stores of the telcos (telecom companies)," the Department of Telecom (DoT) had said in a press release dated October 25.

The new IVR-based Aadhaar system will mobile phone subscribers link their SIM from sitting in their home. Earlier, they had to visit the store to get the linking done.

Many telecom operators have activated this service. Mobile phone users may check with their telecom operator for such a facility.

Here's how the IVRS-based Aadhaar authentication through helpline 14546 works:

Once you call the toll-free helpline 14546, the IVR system asks you whether you are an Indian citizen or an NRI. The caller is to provide response 1 in case of Indian citizen.

The caller is then asked to enter his or her 12-digit Aadhaar number.

The IVRS then repeats the number entered and asks the caller to confirm by pressing response 1.

After this step, an OTP or One-Time PIN is sent to the registered mobile number.

The IVR system asks the caller to give consent to the telecom operator to pick his or her name, photo and date of birth from the UIDAI database.

The caller is asked to enter the OTP in the next step.

The caller is asked to press 1 to complete the Aadhaar-mobile number re-verification process.

NRIs/OCIs are not eligible to enrol for Aadhaar and hence fully exempted from any Aadhaar verification of bank accounts/mobile SIM or other services, the UIDAI has said.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Intel processors have serious design flaw; fix will cause Windows, Linux PCs to slow down

A design flaw has been found in microprocessors made by Intel Corp that requires updates to computer operating systems, a tech publication reported, adding that the fix causes the chips to operate more slowly.  The defect affects the so-called kernel memory on Intel x86 processor chips manufactured over the past decade, The Register reported citing unnamed programmers, allowing users of normal applications to discern the layout or content of protected areas on the chips.
That could make it possible for hackers to exploit other security bugs or, worse, expose secure information such as passwords, thus compromising individual computers or even entire server networks. Intel did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment. Microsoft declined to comment.
Shares in Intel were down by 3.4 percent in early U.S. trading following the report. The Register said programmers working on the Linux open-source operating system were overhauling the affected memory areas, while Microsoft Corp was expected to issue a Windows patch next Tuesday.
“Crucially, these updates to both Linux and Windows will incur a performance hit on Intel products,” The Register wrote . “The effects are being benchmarked, however we are looking at a ballpark figure of a five to 30 percent slowdown, depending on the task and the processor model.”
It was not immediately clear whether Intel would face any significant financial liability arising from the reported flaw. “The current Intel problem, if true, would likely not require CPU replacement in our opinion. However the situation is fluid,” Hans Mosesmann of Rosenblatt Securities in New York said in a note. Intel may end up having to indemnify harm or costs incurred by customers, and could also lose customers and faces a hit to its reputation, he added.
Competing chip maker AMD has told Linux developers by email that its chips are not vulnerable to the types of attacks that the fix for the Intel chip is intended to address by isolating the kernel memory, The Register said. Shares in AMD jumped by 7.2 percent in early trade on Wednesday.
The bug is likely to affect major cloud computing platforms such as Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine, according to one software blogger cited by The Register. Microsoft Azure is due to undergo a maintenance reboot on Jan. 10 while Amazon Web Services has also advised customers via email to expect a major security update this Friday.
The Register also said that similar operating systems, such as Apple’s 64-bit macOS operating system, would need to be updated. The Linux patches are based on work by researchers from the Graz University of Technology in Austria who came up with a way to split kernel and user memory spaces to eliminate the security vulnerability.

Google starts testing its mysterious Fuchsia OS on Pixelbook

Google has started testing its Fuchsia Operating System (OS) on the $1000 Pixelbook hybrid laptop that was unveiled alongside the second-generation Pixel smartphone and Google Home Mini smart speaker at the company’s 2017 hardware event in California, reports said.
“This isn’t your typical developer operating system, and you’ll need two machines to host and target a Pixelbook to load the OS. It’s interesting that Google has chosen its own Pixelbook to experiment with,” The Verge reported on Wednesday.
“Fuchsia has mostly been linked to embedded systems like wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the past, but testing was expanded to Intel’s NUC and Acer’s Switch Alpha 12 Chromebooks,” it added.
The Pixelbook installation process for Fuchsia is not easy and the tech giant has reportedly recommended installing the OS with a USB drive.
Fuchsia OS has been open-sourced for the developer community to help build, test and evolve. It is different from the Linux kernels that are also the foundation of Android and Chrome OS.
The operating system, which is being developed, is Google’s third operating system after Chrome OS and Android.
It has been described as targeting “modern phones and modern personal computers” that would put it in competition with both of Google’s existing operating systems, according to tech website Ars Technica.

Bitcoin Cloud Mining

bitcoin cloud mining

Want to find the best Bitcoin cloud mining contracts? This post has you covered.

Most Bitcoin Cloud Mining Companies are Scams

Like the heading says, most cloud mining contracts are scams. Why?
Because it’s easy for companies to take peoples’ money, and then not pay out. A company can claim to be a cloud mining company without any proof of actually owning any hardware.
So remember: 99% of cloud mining companies are scams.

Which Companies Are Not Scams?

There is only one cloud mining company we are willing to recommend on this site: Genesis Mining.
Just because they are not scams, however, does not mean that you will make a profit by buying contracts.
Note: You need a wallet to receive payouts to. A secure hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano S is a good option.

Genesis Mining

Genesis Mining is a Hong Kong based company although its founders are from Germany and attend many Bitcoin conferences. You can read more about Genesis Mining on their about page.
Genesis Mining offers three different Bitcoin mining cloud contracts. All plans are paid with a one time payment and are lifetime contracts:
Gold : 100 GH/s plan that costs $19.
Platinum : 2,000 GH/s plan that costs $340.
Diamond : 10,000 GH/s plan that costs $1,600.

Is Cloud Mining Profitable?

It depends what your goals are with cloud mining. If your goal is to obtain bitcoins, then there is really no reason to cloud mine or even mine at all.
You will get more bitcoins for your buck if you just buy bitcoins!
If you think mining is cool and want to try, then cloud mining still is not a good option. Grab a cheap USB miner and run it at home.


If you just want bitcoins, mining is NOT the best way to obtain coins.
Buying bitcoins is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to purchase bitcoins.
Get $10 worth of free bitcoins when you buy $100 or more at Coinbase.

Bitcoin Cloud Mining Comparison

There is not much to compare, because we personally do not recommend buying any clooud mining contracts so we will not spend the time to compare the two companies above.
But check back in to see if we find any new, legit cloud mining companies.

Bitcoin Cloud Mining Scams History

The reason there are so many cloud mining scams is because it is very easy for anyone in the world to setup a website.
Once the website is setup it can claim that the company has a large mining facility.
The company can act legit by sending initial payments to its customers. But after that it can just keep the already received payments for hash power and then make no further payments.
In just the last few months, two cloud mining scams were uncovered: HashOcean and Bitcoin Cloud Services.

What Payment Methods do Cloud Mining Companies Accept?

Most cloud mining companies accept Bitcoin, PayPal, and credit cards. If a cloud mining company accepts bitcoins then there is a good chance it is a scam.
This is because Bitcoin payments cannot be reversed. Once the scam company receives your bitcoin payment you have no way to get your coins back.

Are there Free Cloud Mining Trials?

No company would give away free cloud mining; this is basically giving away free money.
Any company offering free trials, especially if they require payment information, is most likely a scam.

How does Bitcoin Cloud Mining Work?

Cloud mining means a host company owns Bitcoin mining hardware and runs it at a warehouse.
You pay the company and rent out some of the hardware. Based on the amount of hash power you rent, you will earn a share of payments from the cloud mining company for any revenue generated by the hash power you purchased.

Cloud Mining Viruses

There have been viruses that land on computers and then use the computers’ power to mine bitcoins.
Run a malware detector on your computer if you think you may have come under attack.

Just buy Bitcoins!

If you just want bitcoins, don’t bother with cloud mining. Just find an exchange in your country and buy some bitcoins.